TRILOGUE INfinity - vertaling naar Engels
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TRILOGUE INfinity - vertaling naar Engels

Points at infinity; Projective infinity; Unsigned infinity

TRILOGUE INfinity      
система голосовой почты TRILOGUE INfinity
  • One-to-one correspondence between an infinite set and its proper subset
  • Infinitesimals (ε) and infinities (ω) on the hyperreal number line (1/ε = ω/1)
  • The first three steps of a fractal construction whose limit is a [[space-filling curve]], showing that there are as many points in a one-dimensional line as in a two-dimensional square.
  • By [[stereographic projection]], the complex plane can be "wrapped" onto a sphere, with the top point of the sphere corresponding to infinity. This is called the [[Riemann sphere]].
The Infinite; Infinitely; Infinity (mathematics); Infinate; InFINity; Infinity point; Taylor Archibald; Infinitely large; History of infinity; Infinitude; Infinite (synonyms); Mathematical infinity; Complex infinity


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Смотрите также

actual infinity; algebraic infinity; analytical at infinity; axiom of infinity; completed infinity; constructive infinity; element in infinity; essentially infinity; existential infinity; extended infinity; flat at infinity; go into infinity; go to infinity; infinity divisibility; infinity focusing; infinity of choice; infinity paradox; infinity plug; infinity sign; line at infinity; line of infinity; logarithmic infinity; minus infinity; one-way infinity; open at infinity; plus infinity; point at infinity; point in infinity; points at infinity; potential infinity; prime at infinity; regular at infinity; strong infinity; sum to infinity; tend to infinity; triple infinity; two-way infinity; uniform at infinity


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бесконечность (также [мат.])

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бесконечно большое число




  • One-to-one correspondence between an infinite set and its proper subset
  • Infinitesimals (ε) and infinities (ω) on the hyperreal number line (1/ε = ω/1)
  • The first three steps of a fractal construction whose limit is a [[space-filling curve]], showing that there are as many points in a one-dimensional line as in a two-dimensional square.
  • By [[stereographic projection]], the complex plane can be "wrapped" onto a sphere, with the top point of the sphere corresponding to infinity. This is called the [[Riemann sphere]].
The Infinite; Infinitely; Infinity (mathematics); Infinate; InFINity; Infinity point; Taylor Archibald; Infinitely large; History of infinity; Infinitude; Infinite (synonyms); Mathematical infinity; Complex infinity
infinitude noun 1) бесконечность 2) бесконечно большое число, количество (of)


Unlimited degree, infiniteness.
Absoluteness, self-determination, self-existence, eternity.


Point at infinity

In geometry, a point at infinity or ideal point is an idealized limiting point at the "end" of each line.

In the case of an affine plane (including the Euclidean plane), there is one ideal point for each pencil of parallel lines of the plane. Adjoining these points produces a projective plane, in which no point can be distinguished, if we "forget" which points were added. This holds for a geometry over any field, and more generally over any division ring.

In the real case, a point at infinity completes a line into a topologically closed curve. In higher dimensions, all the points at infinity form a projective subspace of one dimension less than that of the whole projective space to which they belong. A point at infinity can also be added to the complex line (which may be thought of as the complex plane), thereby turning it into a closed surface known as the complex projective line, CP1, also called the Riemann sphere (when complex numbers are mapped to each point).

In the case of a hyperbolic space, each line has two distinct ideal points. Here, the set of ideal points takes the form of a quadric.